Rosp Опубликовано 2 сентября, 2013 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 2 сентября, 2013 (изменено) Выложите пожалуйста эти советы сюда или сюда . И если возможно, выложите CD-версию этой игры, чтоб игру можно было скачать с . Спасибо ! Если у вас есть замечания по данному тексту - пожалуйста, напишите. Или предложите свой хороший вариант прохождения этой игры. Играйте в CD версию. Там исправлено много багов! В Floppy-версии куча багов! Скачать CD версию можно например здесь (Full-Rip) Здесь даны разные советы, подсказки. Когда вы открыли Tuono-Harg, можно сразу вернуться в Tuono-Tabr и лететь на восток в новый сиетч. Используйте alt+F12 в DosBox для ускорения игры. Держите alt и не отпуская, нажмите 3 раза F12 . Отряду, который разведывает спайс (разведчикам), сразу дайте орнитоптер . Перед тем, как Император начнет требовать спайс, все отряды пошлите южнее, чтоб на севере никого не было и чтоб Харконенны не захватили их. Императору я рекомендую отправлять на 50% больше, чем он требует. После отправки спайса сразу летите от Carthag-Tuek на юго-запад, там сиетч, в котором много оборудования. Когда червь глотает комбайн, лидер фрименов говорит, что несколько человек умерло, однако количество людей в статистике не уменьшается! Когда найдете Стилгара, летите от Ergsun-Clam на северо-запад. Отряд сделайте военным, чтоб лидер фрименов сказал вам куда лететь. В Ergsun-Tabr есть комбайн с орнитоптером. . Я рекомендую вам отправлять в атаку одновременно 6 военных отрядов в одну вражескую крепость. Если их будет 7, то при захвате вражеской крепости в ней НЕ появится новый отряд. Если отрядов 6 - то вы освободите пленных и у вас будет новый отряд фрименов. Итак, сейчас вам надо обучать 6 военных отрядов. Найдите отряды, в которых более 2000 фрименов и сделайте их военными. Чем больше людей в отряде, тем сильнее отряд и тем меньше потерь будет во время войны. Пошлите все отряды в Ergsun-Tuek и оставьте там Хеллека. Не забудьте взять в Habbanya-Clam лазерную пушку. Если военным дать орнитоптер, то они будут двигаться заметно быстрее. Когда вам скажут про деревню , которая во рту рыбы, можете лететь прямо от дворца в рот рыбы в Oxtyn-Pyons. в Oxtyn-Pyons продают комбайн за 1000, орни за 1980, супер машины за 2000. От Tuono-Tuek на юг есть деревня Tuono-Pyons. В Tuono-Pyons продают орни за 1500, комбайн за 600, лазерные пушки за 800, супер машины за 2000. В деревне Sihaya-Pyons на севере продают мечи за 200, лазерные пушки за 800, комбайн за 1200, орнитоптер за 1800. От Ergsun-Tuek на запад есть деревня Haga-Pyons. В Haga-Pyons продают супер машины за 2200, комбайн за 1000, орни за 1600, Когда встретие Chani, выйдите в пустыню и если будет вечер или ночь, сразу сработает триггер, если вы поговорите с ней. На юге в Celimyn-Harg есть лазерная пушка. От Oxtyn-Timin есть сиетч на северо-восток, надо лететь в глаз рыбе. От Oxtyn-Harg тоже есть сиетч на восток. После встречи с экологом KYNES (вы кстати теперь можете выпить Воду Жизни, на всякий случай спросите разрешения у Джессики, вашей мамы) я рекомендую новые отряды фрименов сразу завербовывать в экологов. Потом надо будет 7 отрядов экологов послать в Sihaya-Tuek. Там отряды будут брать луковицы (всего их 16, то есть для 16 отрядов). Чем больше отрядов в шахте, тем быстрее будет происходить озеленение. Также с ветряными ловушками - они строятся быстро, если 7 отрядов в сиетче. Когда ваши военные отряды заболеют - сразу привезите им Chani . Если тянуть, будут заболевать другие отряды. Если саботажники не дают добывать спайс - пошлите туда военных. От Celimyn-Timin есть сиетч на запад. Теперь можно идти в атаку. Всех военных прокачайте до Эксперта. Кстати, если военные новички, они могут шпионить и даже могут определить количество отрядов и оружие противника, но есть вероятность, что их обнаружат во время шпионажа и возьмут в плен. Возможны такие варианты -Лидер военного отряда говорит, что мы не убили ни одного Харконнена и уже например 500 человек погибло или взято в плен. В этом случае надо отступить всем. -Лидер военного отряда говорит, что мы потеряли например 50 человек, но убили 300 Харконеннов. В этом случае вы выиграете бой, но с потерями. Всего после боя вы можете потерять например от 500 до 4000 людей ! Внимание - победа не всегда означает, что всё хорошо ! Да, вы возьмете крепость, но потеряете например от 1000 до 4000 фрименов . Потом ещё еще потеряете много людей в другой битве. А потом в отрядах будет всего лишь по 500 человек например, и их просто всех возьмут в плен, и вы потеряете всю армию ! - Лидер военного отряда говорит, что противник сконфужен и мы убили например 1000 Харконеннов без потерь с нашей стороны. В этом случае вы выиграете бой без потерь, или потери будут минимальны, например потеряете всего 30-50 человек. Перед боем смотрите, сколько у вас всего людей. Если было 50.000 людей, а после боя стало 48.000, значит лучше загрузиться и напасть на другую крепость. Лучше вообще не терять людей ни в каких боях. Если в каждом бою будете терять по 500-1000 человек, то в конце игры отряды станут очень слабы, в них будет всего по 400-500 человек. У Дворца Харконеннов очень мощные войска, ваши потрепанные войска просто разобьют. Важно не только количество вражеских отрядов, но и какое у них оружие. Если 1 вражеский отряд имеет ядерное оружие, а у вас нет ядерного оружия, вам надо напасть на эту крепость 6-ю отрядами, у всех должны быть мечи, лазерные пушки и супер машины. В отрядах должно быть по 2000 людей, то есть 12.000 людей, нападая на такую крепость, скорее всего смогут её взять, НЕ ПОТЕРЯВ ни одного ФРИМЕНА. Помните, я говорил "Найдите отряды, в которых более 2000 фрименов и сделайте их военными" ? Вот почему нужно иметь много военных в одном отряде! Шпионить надо начинать от сиетчей Ergsun. В форте Haga-Clam (на запад) есть 1 ядерное оружие. Можете получить его без потерь, если ваши войска сильные. Если войска не очень сильные, будут большие потери у ваших войск ! В Haga-Tsymym тоже 1 ядерное оружие. Идите на север от Haga-Clam. Далее двигайтесь на восток. К дворцу не идите пока, там очень мощные войска. От захваченной крепости Tsympo-Timin есть деревня на юг. В этой деревне Tsympo-Pyons супер машины за 2500, орни за 1600, мечи за 300, лазерные пушки за 1000. От захваченной крепости Tsympo-Tabr есть сиетч на юг. Лететь надо чуть-чуть на запад, стрелку влево нажать несколько раз, летя на юг. На самом севере в Tsympo-Pyort (на запад от дворца Харконненов) есть 1 ядерное оружие. Рядом с дворцом Харконненов в Arrakeen-Tabr 3 ядерных оружия . В Arrakeen-Harg (на север от ВАШЕГО дворца) найдете Chani и 1 ядерное оружие. В Arrakeen-Timin (на юг от дворца Харконеннов) найдете 3 ядерных оружия. В конце игры вам надо в 3 сиетчах расположить не менее 10.000 фрименов с ядерным оружием для атаки дворца. Изменено 2 сентября, 2013 пользователем Rosp Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Rosp Опубликовано 3 сентября, 2013 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 3 сентября, 2013 (изменено) Много полезной информации, но на английском . Можете использовать для перевода . В игре есть другая концовка ! Когда Стилгар спрашивает "Ты хочешь сейчас атаковать дворец ? ", нажимаем Accept . Фримены атакуют дворец Харконеннов. Сразу садимся на червя и едем во дворец. Нажимаем MASSIVE ATTACK , отходим в пустыню, 3 раза нажимаем "WAIT FOR ..." и дворец превращается в сиетч. \ \ \ 1. On Trial. 2. Novice. 3. Average. 4. Efficient. 5. Skilled. 6. Expert. \ \ \ 1 "Looks like there're no Harkonnen troops around" - Харконнены покинули шахту. 2 "They might be dangerous Muad'Dib ..." - Харконенны вооружены мечами. 3 "They ARE dangerous Muad'Dib ... AND they've got arms, indeed." - Харконенны вооружены лазерными пушками. 4 "Armement is impressive here. We can see that ... well trained, too" - Харконенны вооружены супер машинами (модулями). 5 "Muad'Dib, We've got here the toughest Harkonnen, armed to the teeth" - Харконенны вооружены ядерным ( атомным ) оружием . \ \ \ Chapter 1: The Search for the Spice .............................. 0702 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you enter the palace, you'll meet your father, Duke Leto Atreides. Speak with him. He will ask you to find Gurney Halleck. Go down. Speak with your mother to find where Gurney Halleck is. Go to that place (Carthag Tuek) using ornitopther. As you meet Gurney Halleck in the sietch, he will ask you to recruit the fremen chief. Speak with the fremen chief and ask him to work for you then give this troop specialize in spice. Now Gurney will suggest you to visit the other sietch. Ask Gurney to come with you. Fly your ornitopther to Carthag Harg. Recruit the fremen chief and give him specialize in spice. Fly your ornitopther to Carthag Timin. Ask the fremen chief to work for you. Unfortunately, he will refuse to work for you. There's nothing you can do now. Go back to the palace. In the palace, you'll meet Duncan Idaho, the spice expert who will supervise all of your spice. Talk to him to know your current spice status. Meet Duke and he will tell you about stillsuits. Speak with Gurney and he will tell you about the place (Carthag Tuek). Go to that sietch. As you meet the fremen chief, he will mention a sietch eastward from their sietch. Go to your ornitopther cockpit and choose eastward direction. Suddenly, Gurney will mention a sietch, go to that sietch. Recruit the fremen chief and give him specialize in spice. He will mention there is harvester around the sietch. Equip it to his troop. Visit two other sietch (Tuono Tuek and Chartag Tabr). Unfortunately they can't mine the spice since their areas need to be prospected. Speak with Gurney, he will mention there could be one prospector. Now, go to the sietch (Carthag Timin) in which the fremen chief refuse to work for you. Now, he will agree to let his troop work for you. Give him specialize in spice. Now move him to prospect other sietch. Also take a note that the spice density map will provide you information about how much spice are there on the sietch. The grey areas means that these areas haven't been prospected yet. Go back to the palace. Meet your father. He will mention that there's a hidden room or door in the palace. Go up and ask your mother to come with you. When you go to stillsuit room (green room), she will notice a hidden room in the left. It's a communication room. Talk to your mother. Speak with Duncan, he will mention that it's best to use spice harvester to increase spice production. He ask you to go to the sietch (Tuono Tabr) in which you've found one harvester. Go there and ask the fremen chief. He will tell you that there's a sietch in north east direction. Go to that direction. Suddenly, Gurney will mention a sietch (Tuono Harg), go there. You'll see no fremen in this place. But you'll see some harvester here. Go to the two nearest sietch to ask the fremen to search for the equipment. ***Tips*** 01. If you go back to Tuono Tabr and speak with the fremen chief. He will mention about a sietch (Tuono Clam) in eastward direction. Go there. As you explore the sietch you'll find two ornis. Go to the two nearest sietch which the fremen is equipped with harvester (but not Tuono Tabr since the fremen chief will refuse to move his troop from his native area). Ask them to pick the ornis. ********** Go back to the palace. As you speak to your father, he will mention a message in communication room. Go to communication room and view the message. Emperor Shaddam IV will ask for the spice shipment soon. Speak with Duncan, he will mention about area rich in spice which is told by the fremen who give you the stillsuits. Talk to Gurney, he will give you more detail. Remember to check your prospector whether he finished prospecting the sietch or not. If so then move him to prospect other sietch. Go to Tuono Tabr, speak with the fremen chief. He will mention a sietch (Tuono Timin) in south eastward direction. Fly your ornitopther to that direction. As usual Gurney will mention you the sietch. In this sietch you meet Harah. Ask her to come with you. Now, as Harah with you, you'll know more sietch. Go to these sietch (Habbaya Timin, Habbaya Tuek, Habbaya Tabr), recruit the fremen chief and give them specialize in spice. Unfortunately the fremen chief in Habbaya Tabr will refuse to work for you. Go back to the palace. Speak with Duncan. He will tell you about the danger of the worm and ask you to regroup your troop on area rich in spice. As you meet your mother, he will ask you to go to the desert alone. Ask Harah and Gurney to stay. Go outside of the place. Choose down side, then choose left side or right side to see the desert. Wait until you have a vision that the message has arrived. Go to the communication room and view the message. Emperor has asked you to send the spice shipment. Talk to Duncan and accept his request then ask him to come with you. Now go to the communication room. Remember these steps every time you want to send spice for the emperor. ***Tips*** 02. When Duncan ask you to regroup your troop on area rich in spice, please don't do it. There will be definitely a conflict between the north troop and south troop because they work together. This cause the troop refuse to do the job anymore unless you split them. So please wait until your Charisma level is high or you have Stilgar in your party. 03. You can delay the spice shipment scenario by not going to the desert alone. Remember to have your prospector prospect all sietchs in order to get enough spice to spend for. You can also skip the days (with Gurney and Harah) by choosing "Wait for Morning" and "Wait for Evening" in the desert. ********** Meet your father. Suddenly Gurney has disappeared. Your mother will tell you that you can contact the fremen in certain range. Try it. Speak with your father. Now, try to find Gurney with your mother. When you're in the room above stillsuit room, speak with your mother. She will mention the hidden room on the right side. Gurney has been trapped. Meet your father and he'll ask you to meet Thufir Hawat, your mentat in communication room. Ask him to come with you and go to the trapped room. Thufir will ask you to find Fremen Leader. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The Search for the Fremen Leader ...................... 0703 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Speak with Harah, but Harah can't remember the leader name. It's time to use your vision. Choose "Dune Map" and then contact the fremen in Habbaya Timin. He will tell you the leader name, Stilgar. Speak with Harah and she will ask you to go westward direction from the palace. ***Tips*** 04. If you revisit the fremen in Chartag Tuek. He will tell you about the sietch (Habbaya Clam) in the south westward direction. Go there. Go to the two nearest sietch and ask them to pick the stuffs. 05. As you can contact the fremen in certain range, your charisma will increase so recruit the fremen in Habbaya Tabr (who previously refused to work for you). ********** Go to your ornitopther cockpit and search the far west sietch (Sihaya Clam) from the palace. Go there. Speak with Harah again and she will tell you that you must fly your orni in north west direction. Do so and enter the sietch (Ergsun Timin). Speak with Stilgar and ask him to come with you. Now, with Stilgar with you, you can recruit all of the fremen in Dune (of course you have to find the sietch). Visit four other sietchs (Ergsun Tabr, Ergsun Tsymyn, Ergsun Clam, Ergsun Tuek) and recruit the fremen. However, you'll notice that the command "Work for Me" has changed to "Rally Me" (which means that you can give the troop specialize in army). ***Tips*** 06. After Stilgar joins you, you can now select army troop occupation in Ergsun area so do it. Make sure that your army troop has at least 2000 peoples. Otherwise change it to spice troop. 07. In Ergsun area, there are one more hidden sietch (Ergsun Harg) to explore. Ergsun Harg is located in east of Ergsun Tuek. ********** Go back to the palace. Introduce Stilgar to your father and mother. Meet Thufir. He will suggest you to use Gurney as an instructor in handling arms. Meet Gurney in weaponry room (trapped room) and talk to him. He will offer you to teach the fremen the art of combat by bringing him to one of the sietch (in Ergsun area). Ask Gurney to come with you. ***Tips*** 08. Before bringing him to Ergsun area, it's better if you bring him to teach the army troop in Chartag area. Tuono Clam is the best place since you can equip the krys to your army troops. Regroup all of the army troops on this sietch. 09. From this point, you will get a report of sabotage from your spice troop several times. You can send your army troop to investigate and find the saboteurs but unless you have excessive amount of army troop then there is no need to do so. ********** Suddenly, you'll have a vision that your father find some terribles on the palace. Go back to the palace. Meet your father. He will notice you about the new message in the communication room. View this message. Speak with your father. He will plan a punnitive expedition with personnal guard. Speak with Thufir. He doesn't agree with Duke. Suddenly a new message has arrived. View this message. Thufir will suggest you to attack Harkonnen in the Stilgar's native area (Ergsun). Speak with your father. But Duke is so stubborn ... Speak with Duncan. He'll tell you about the smuggler village in which you should find. Speak with Stilgar. Speak with Harah. She will mention about the tale "the village in fish mouth". Speak with Stilgar for more detail. Go to your Orni cockpit, you should see a fish-shaped on it. Fly your orni to this fish-shaped mouth. You'll find the village (Oxtyn Pyons). Talk to the smuggler. Harah will ask you to bring her back to Tuono Timin. Do so. ***Tips*** 10. If go back to palace, Duncan will tell you about another village in east, south of Tuono Tuek. Go to Tuono Tuek. The fremen chief will mention about the sietch in southward (slightly east) direction. Visit this sietch (Tuono Pyons), actually a smuggler village. 11. From this point, you will have two more hidden sietch to explore (Chartag Clam, Oxtyn Harg). Fly your orni to Oxtyn Pyons. You should fly your orni in northward direction to find Chartag Clam and fly your orni in westward direction to find Oxtyn Harg. ********** Speak with Stilgar when you've left Harah. Stilgar will ask you to meet someone. He will ask you to go to Oxtyn Tabr. Go to Oxtyn Tabr. Enter the sietch. Go up. You'll meet Chani. Ask her to come with you. Go to the desert. Wait until evening. Speak with Chani. Well ... Chani know two other sietchs in the south (Habbaya Harg, Celymin Harg). Visit these sietch and recruit the fremen. After you visit these sietch, you'll have a vision about your mother ask you to come to the palace. Btw, don't forget to visit two more sietchs (Oxtyn Timin and Oxtyn Tuek). Go back to the palace. ***Tips*** 12. Don't visit the sietchs yet. If you do then you will trigger Duke Leto died scenario and also trigger Harkonnen invasion on Chartag area. So it's better if you wait until your army troops in Chartag area has reached expert level. Then move Gurney to Ergsun area to teach the army troop and wait until they reached expert level too. ********** Your mother will tell you that your father is dead. Speak with Thufir for more detail. Thufir will mention another means of transpotation. Speak with Stilgar. Stilgar will ask you to ride worm. Do this by going to the desert and call the worm and go to other sietch. ***Tips*** 13. After you can ride the worm, now you can give your orni to the fremen. You can give your orni to the prospector (for improving his speed movement) by going to his location and giving him your orni then going back by riding worm. The same way is also applied for Spice troop (for keeping them save from the worm). ********** Speak with Chani, she will ask you to tell this thing to Thufir. Speak with Thufir. He will tell you that you still lack something. He said that the answer is in this place. Speak with your mother. She will tell you that you can contact the fremen in wider range. Ask your mother to come together to explore other hidden room. Go to armory room, you'll find another hidden room on the right. Go to this room. Speak with Chani. She will mention her father, Liet Kynes, planaetologyst. She prefer Stilgar to come with you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: The Vegetation on Dune ................................ 0704 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Oxtyn Tabr. Chani will ask you to fly plain west. Do so. You'll see the sietch. Enter the sietch. Speak with Liet Kynes. He will ask you to bring him some fremen to help him build the bulbs. If you go to the left you will see "the water of life". You can drink it if your charisma has reached level 50 and above. If your charisma level hasn't reached 50 then you should wait until Jessica explain it to you. If you manage to drink it then speak with Jessica and she will tell you that you can contact the fremen on entire Dune. Visit these 4 sietchs (celymin Timin, Sihaya Tabr, Sihaya Timin, Sihaya Harg) in which Liet mention, recruit the fremen and give them specialize in ecology. Move these troops to Sihaya Tuek. ***Tips*** 14. From my playing experience, once you have drunk the water of life and speak with Jessica then your charisma level will be boosted thus enabling you to buy weirding module from smuggler village. 15. From this point, you will have three more hidden sietch (Celymin Tabr, Cielago Tabr, Cielago Timin) to explore. Celymin Tabr is located in south east of Tuono Pyons, Cielago Tabr is located in far east of Tuono Pyons, and Cielago Timin is located in east of Cielago Tabr. 16. From this point, you have three options of troops (spice, army, ecology). Please consider to change your troop to ecology troop if the fremen troop has member less than 1000. ********** Suddenly your troops will report that they get strange disease. Go to this sietch and leave Chani here for a while to cure them. Wait until you have vision about Chani that has managed to cure the fremen. Pick her up. But she's disappeared. Suddenly, you've got a new message from your vision. Go back to the palace. But don't forget to check your troops on Sihaya Tuek. If their job is finished, give them the bulb to start the vegetation on Dune. Also you can send this troop to other sietch to start the vegetation. If the sietch already has a wind-trap, the troop will automatically start the vegetation. But if the sietch doesn't have a wind-trap, you should ask your troop to assembly the wind-trap. ***Tips*** 17. Once your ecology troop have the bulb, you can start planting the bulb on the Chartag area to discourage Harkonnen from attacking that area. The vegetation also can lower (even destroy) the Harkonnen spice production. (Thx to Aniahchan <>) 18. Remember to move your ecology troops to area which has no more spices (or very less spices). If your ecology troops start the vegetation on area rich in spice then the vegetation will destroy the spice. ********** View the new message. Not good, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen has kidnapped Chani. Thufir will doubt that Chani is in one of the Harkonnen fortresses. Thufir will suggest you to send the spy to find where Chani is. You should find and save Chani otherwise your troop moral support (motivation) will decrease. If your troop motivation has reached very low percentage then your troop won't do any jobs for you anymore. ***Tips*** 19. When your troop refuse to do any jobs for you anymore, you can cheat by switching their job to another job then switch it back to its previous job. Remember to equip them back with their equipments that they lost as they change occupation. ********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Battle for the Fremen and the Atreides ................ 0705 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest that your army troops are on these three sietch. One in Chartag Harg, the other one in Ergsun Tabr and the last one in Ergsun Tuek. Bring Gurney to these sietch. Leave him for a while to teach the fremen the art of combat. Equip your army troop with krys, laser gun and weirding module and make sure that they've reached Expert level. Send your spy from these sietch. According to the spy information attack the Harkonnen fortress. It's best if you use lots of army troops to attack the enemy sietch and equip them with all the weapons (krys, laser gun, weirding module). ***Tips*** 20. After your army troop has surrounded the Harkonnen fortress, you can also participate on the war by going to this fortress using worm. Doing this can raise your fremen motivation. The timing is important here, so please make sure that you're near this fortress. 21. At the beginning of the war, the easiest way to get advanced weapon (laser gun, weirding module) is from the smugglers. 22. Please take a note that one sietch can only hold 7 troops. So don't attack the Harkonnen fortresses using max troops (7 troops). If you do it then you will get empty enemy troop if you win the battle. 23. There are three more hidden sietchs (Haga Pyons, Haga Timin, Haga Tabr) to explore. Haga Pyons is in the west of Ergsun Tuek. Haga Timin is in the south of Haga Pyons. Haga Tabr is in the west of Haga Timin. 24. Remember to pay the smugglers by talking to Duncan several times everytime you go back to the palace so the smuggler will always be ready to deal a business with you. 25. Atomic weapon can only be found on Harkonnen fortresses near Harkonnen palace (Arrakeeen, Haga). ********** Don't forget to take care of your spice production since the Emperor will ask for the spice shipment soon. If you can't send him what he ask for then you'll loose this battle. Also with your vision try to check whether your spice troop has produced 0 kgs of spice or not. If so then you should move them to other sietch which still has the spice. Taking care your spice production will provide you enough cash to spend for. Keep your prospector busy by prospecting other sietch. Also you should search for smuggler village since they sell you the WEAPON which is really crucial for this battle. Eventually you will find Chani on one of the enemy sietch. ***Tips*** 26. From my playing experience, Chani is usually on one of Harkonnen fortresses near Harkonnen palace. So send your spy from Chartag area to know Chani location. 27. There are four more hidden sietchs (Tsympo Tuek, Tsympo Tsymyn, Tsympo Pyons, Tsympo Harg) to explore. Tsympo Tuek is located in west of Chartag Harg. Tsympo Tsymyn is located in west of Tsympo Tuek. Tsympo Pyons is located in south west of Tsympo Tsymyn (at the end of "fish tail"). Tsympo Harg is located in west of Tsympo Pyons. ********** When Stilgar say that there are no more Harkonnen fortresses on Dune, it's time to navigate the final battle. Stilgar will tell you to ask Thufir to come with you in one of the sietch around the Harkonnen palace. Speak with Thufir and ask him to come with you. Leave him in one of the sietch around the Harkonnen palace. He will ask you to gather Chani, Jessica, Gurney, Stilgar. When you gather all of them, talk to Thufir and he will tell you that you need 10,000 Fremen, split into the three sietch around the place, equipped with Atomics to attack the Palace. Do so. Now, you can launch the final attack. Speak with Stilgar to do that. Accept his offer. Wait until you have a vision that the shield is down. Now you can go to the Harkonnen palace and ... LONG LIVE TO OUR NEW EMPEROR AND EMPRESS ... Well, watch the credits roll ... See you on my next FAQ ... ***Tips*** 28. Alternatively, you can participate on the war then choose Massive Attack. Please scatter only 3-4 army troops (with Atomic weapon) in the sietch around the Harkonnen palace so you will have more time to enter the battle. After you win the battle then you should wait about two days. Now you will see that the Harkonnen palace has been transformed into sietch. You can go to this sietch and you can talk to your enemy. By doing this you won't have ending sequence and you can continue playing your game forever. ********** _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ VIII. Tips & Tricks .............................................. 0800 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= WARNING: This section possible contains some spoilers. Do not proceed if you don't want the game to be spoiled. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Spice Shipment ............................................... 0801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When your mother ask you to go to desert alone, it's better if you wait until the prospector has prospect all of the sietch in which you've met 'cos when you go to the desert alone, you'll trigger the spice shipment scenario. So be sure to have enough spice to spend for. If you can't send what emperor ask for and you send less than what the Emperor expected then the next shipmet will be sooner. If you don't send the spice shipment to the Emperor, then the Emperor will send his warning. If you ignore this then you'll be dead. However, the Emperor will call for the spice shipment every 4-6 days. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Hidden sietch ............................................... 0802 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you revisit the sietch and speak with the fremen chief, some of them will mention the direction for hidden sietchs. Btw, you can find hidden sietchs for yourself without asking the fremen chief by simply flying your orni over it. You can also use worm to search it. Here are the lists: 1. Smuggler Villages * Tsympo Pyons - North Eastward of Oxtyn Tuek OR Southward of Tsympo Timin. * Haga Pyons - Westward of Ergsun Tuek OR north (and slightly west) of Haga Timin. 2. Sietches * Oxtyn Harg - North Eastward of Oxtyn Timin OR westward of Chartag Tuek. * Celymin Tabr - Eastward of Habbanya Tuek OR north westward (and slightly more west) of Celimyn Timin. * Ceilago Tabr - North eastward of Celimyn Tabr OR North of Celimyn Timin. * Haga Timin - North eastward of Ceilago Tabr OR southward of Haga Pyons. * Tsympo Harg - Northward (and slightly west) of Oxtyn Tuek OR south westward of Tsympo Timin. * Ergsun Harg - Southward of Ergsun Tsymyn OR north westward of Ergsun Clam. * Tsympo Tuek - Southward of Tsympo Tabr OR Westward of Carthag Harg. * Tsympo Tsymyn - Southward (and slightly east) of Tsympo Timin OR Westward of Tsympo Tuek. * Habbanya Clam - Westward of Habbanya Timin. (Thx alot to Dune - Wiki4Games for this information.) NOTE: Some hidden sietchs appear along the scenario. But if you have triggered the vegetation scenario then all hidden sietchs are ready for you to explore. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spice Troop Equipment ............................................ 0803 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It's better if you equip your fremen troop in which specialize in spice with harvester and ornitopther. Harvester will improve your spice production. Orni will watch for the worms which is can swallow your harvester. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Improving Your Fremen ............................................ 0804 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Giving Orni to the fremen will improve their speed of walking especially for the prospector since his job is moving from one sietch to another sietch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy Way to go to the Sietch ..................................... 0805 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The easy way to go to the sietch is by choosing the sietch and choose "Go there flying an Orni" on "See Dune map". The advantage of this way is you can choose the sietch eventhough you're still inside the sietch but not too deep in the sietch. Btw, if you can ride worm, go to the desert, choose the sietch and choose "Call A Worm" on "See Dune Map". Riding the worm way is necessary if you want to give the orni to the troop (especially spice troop). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy Way to Search for Enhance Weapon ............................ 0806 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The easy way to instruct the fremen troop to search for the enhance weapon is by equiping them with the weapon 1 level lower than the weapon you want to get. For eg. krys for laser gun, laser gun for weirding module and so on. Make sure that your fremen troop is around the place in which has the weapon you want to search for equip (for eg. smuggler village). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Improving Your Vision ............................................ 0807 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you go back to the palace don't forget to speak with your mother. Sometimes she will tell you that you can contact the fremen in wider range which surely improve your vision. If you've drunk "the water of life" then speak with your mother. She will tell you that you can contact the fremen on the entire planet and your charisma level will increase by 20. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fremen Dress Color ............................................... 0808 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you notice that the color of fremen dress are blue, brown and green. In my opinion blue is for specialized in spice, brown is for specialized in army and green is for specialized in ecology. I mean "specialized" here is that they can improve that occupation level quickly. But I haven't confirmed it yet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding Chani .................................................... 0809 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In my experience, I've found out that Chani is usually in one of the Harkonnen fortresses near the Atreides palace. Send your army troop to Chartag Harg then send the spy to make sure that Chani is in one of the Harkonnen fortresses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Useful Spy Informations ..................................... 0810 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you send your spy you'll get these informations: - "Looks like there're no Harkonnen troops around" The enemy troop has left the sietch. - "They might be dangerous Muad'Dib ..." The enemy troop is equipped with krys. - "They ARE dangerous Muad'Dib ... AND they've got arms, indeed." The enemy troop is equipped with laser gun. - "Armement is impressive here. We can see that ... well trained, too" The enemy troop is equipped with weirding module. - "Muad'Dib, We've got here the toughest Harkonnen, armed to the teeth" The enemy troop is in expert level and possibly equipped with atomic weapon. NOTE: To win the battle, you should attack with more troops and advance weapon. For example, you can win the battle with two Harkonnen "Dangerous" troops with just two expert army troop with laser guns. Or you can win the battle with one Harkonnen "Toughest" troop with three expert army troops with weirding module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Useful Battle Informations .................................. 0811 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you attack the enemy troop you'll get these informations: - "There is much confusion among the Harkonnens ... It's going to be easy rout them" Your troop will win. - "Harkonnen forces are impressive ..." Your troop will loose. NOTE: In case, your army troop gonna loose the battle you can move them back to the sietch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Book Information ............................................. 0812 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you progress through the game you can read some important informations which is left by you from the books. Click on the books and choose the topics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Better Troop Occupation .......................................... 0813 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If your freemen troop has many member (for eg. 2000 and above), you should give them specialize in army and send them to Gurney for increasing their level. If your fremen troop has a less member, you should give them either specialize in spice or in ecology. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Spice Shipment .............................................. 0814 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you've defeated all of Harkonnen troop and you still have the Emperor message ask for the spice shipment. Don't send him the spice shipment since he won't ask you for the spice shipment anymore. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Discouraging the Harkonnens ...................................... 0815 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever you plant with an ecology troop, make sure it's in a place with no spice left. Sihaya Tabr, Kynes's sietch, is hopeless. Move them to Carthag Harg as soon as possible, it discourages Harkonnens from attacking the army base there. (Thx to Aniahchan <aniahope@xxx. xxx>) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Things That You Should Avoid ................................. 0816 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are the things that you should avoid in Dune: 1. You see the water of life (with Stilgar) in one of the sietch then you ask Stilgar to stay and leave the water of life area. 2. You don't send any spice shipments to the Emperor. 3. You battle Harkonnen with less troop and less powerful weapon. 4. You go to Harkonnen palace before winning the battle against all of Harkonnen fortresses. 5. You ignore warning about entering Harkonnen zone. 6. You are wandering around the desert. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Better Preparation for Army Troop ................................ 0817 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't notice this before but I've found out that each time you bring Chani (when you first met her) to the new sietch that she mention then you will trigger your father died scenario. So what's the point you ask? Well, if you let Gurney teach the army troop in Chartag area and let the troop reach expert level then you'll have enough preparation to face Harkonnen in Chartag area. Also the Harkonnen won't start attacking your Chartag area unless you've explored the sietch that Chani mention. This is very important for you in case you want have enough time for your army troop in Chartag area to reach expert level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Glitches Found in the Game ....................................... 0818 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I noticed a few things about the game that may be considered a bug or not: 1. For instance, I think that it is set up to be fairly hard, and I say this because I had like 17 spice harvester/orni troops across the planet, and in the scenario where the disease breaks out, two diseases broke out at the same time. Chani got kidnapped after she cured the first one, but I had 7 fully equipped spice troops in the south that never got cured, even after I brought Chani Back. 2. Also, after the final invasion and surrender of the Harkonnen palace, I tried to get all of the spice from the planet, and eventually I came to a point where none of the freemen would ever reach their destination. After several days of waiting in the desert they were in walking mode but never reached their destinations. Eventually you just have to conclude the game. 3. I also believe that there was a blue fort that dissappeared because I actually had a troop captured there, but after I defeated another fort, the rest of the fortresses cleared. (Thx alot to Kriner Eric <> for these glitches information. 4. You can keep your father alive by skipping your father expedition scenario. When you bring Gurney to teach the army troop, you'll get vision about your father request you to come to the palace when he said "something terrible has happened in the palace". You should ignore it and wait until you get the message from emperor then you must not view the Harkonnen message instead view the emperor message. By doing so your father won't get angry and won't plan any punnitive expedition. You will save Duke Leto eventhough the game itself actually think that Duke Leto has died. 5. You can avoid the game automated ending sequence by participating the war (in the final attack) then choose Massive Attack. Please scatter only 3-4 army troops (with Atomic weapon) in the sietch around the Harkonnen palace so you will have more time to enter the battle. After that, you should wait about two days. The Harkonnen palace will be transformed into the sietch. Now, you can speak with your enemy and continue playing your game forever. (Thx alot to Dune - Wiki4Games for stopping automated ending sequence glitches information.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Useful Keys ................................................. 0819 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I usually use these keys while playing the game: 1. Spacebar for clicking. This is faster than clicking by using mouse. Move around using your mouse then use spacebar to click. 2. Esc for canceling the action, closing baloon text, etc. 3. P for pausing the game. Well, that's all folks ... _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ IX. The Complete List of Sietch ................................ 0900 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ *********************************************************************** The whole The Complete List of sietch section was contributed by joseph_sw (posted on 6/7/2008 in GameFAQs Dune message board) For the complete map please visit these site: - - *********************************************************************** In this game, Dune planet were divided into 12 major region: Arrakeen, Carthag, Tuono, Habbanya, Oxtyn, Tsympo, Bledan, Ergsun, Haga, Cielago, Sihaya, Celimyn Each of region were also divided into 2 to 9 sub-area: Tabr, Timin, Tuek, Harg, Clam, Tysmyn, Siet, Pyons, Pyort So Sietchs/sector naming was like this: {Region}-{Sub-Area} such as: Carthag-Harg, Oxtyn-Pyons, and so on... Note: area that names {Region}-Pyons were always smuggler village where you could buy various weapons and tools. As stated above not all region divided into 9 sub-area, most of 'em were less, here the complete list: <Beginning of list>---------------------------------------------------- Arrakeen-Tabr Arrakeen-Timin Arrakeen-Tuek Arrakeen-Harg Arrakeen-Clam Arrakeen-Tysmyn Arrakeen-Siet Arrakeen-Pyons Carthag-Tabr Carthag-Timin Carthag-Tuek Carthag-Harg Carthag-Clam Tuono-Tabr Tuono-Timin Tuono-Tuek Tuono-Harg Tuono-Clam Tuono-Pyons Habbanya-Tabr Habbanya-Timin Habbanya-Tuek Habbanya-Harg Habbanya-Clam Oxtyn-Tabr Oxtyn-Timin Oxtyn-Tuek Oxtyn-Harg Oxtyn-Pyons Tsympo-Tabr Tsympo-Timin Tsympo-Tuek Tsympo-Harg Tsympo-Clam Tsympo-Tysmyn Tsympo-Siet Tsympo-Pyons Tsympo-Pyort Bledan-Tabr Bledan-Timin Bledan-Tuek Bledan-Harg Ergsun-Tabr Ergsun-Timin Ergsun-Tuek Ergsun-Harg Ergsun-Clam Ergsun-Tysmyn Haga-Tabr Haga-Timin Haga-Tuek Haga-Harg Haga-Clam Haga-Tysmyn Haga-Siet Haga-Pyons Cielago-Tabr Cielago-Timin Sihaya-Tabr Sihaya-Timin Sihaya-Tuek Sihaya-Harg Sihaya-Clam Sihaya-Pyons Celimyn-Tabr Celimyn-Timin Celimyn-Tuek (this is a bug and can be activated by using hex cheat) Celimyn-Harg <End of List>---------------------------------------------------------- Total 68 sector in Arrakis _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ X. Frequently Asked Questions ................................. 1000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= WARNING: This section possible contains some spoilers. Do not proceed if you don't want the game to be spoiled. ======================================================================= Q: How do I load, save, quit, see the results? A: 1. You can look at the mirror in Jessica's room. 2. Alternatively You just have to select "See Dune map" and select the left "globe". Now you should see these options. Q: How do I send the spice shipment to the Emperor? A: When you get the new message asking for the spice shipment. Speak with Duncan and he will offer you to make a spice shipment. Accept it. Ask him to come with you to the communication room. As you deliver the spice, you'll get a message which is tell you when will the next message come. Q: How do I instruct the fremen to search for the equipment? A: Speak with the fremen then select "Give Orders to Troop" then choose "Change Troop Occupation". You should see "Go & Search for Equipment", select this. Btw, your troop should be around the place in which has the equipment that your troop want to search for. Q: How do I give or take away stuffs to / from the troop? A: Simple, speak with the troop and select "Give Orders to Troop" then choose "Modify Equipment". Click on the stuff in the "equipment:" to take away the equipment or click on the stuff in the "sietch:" to add this equipment to your troop. Q: How do I pay the smuggler? A: Speak with Duncan. If you buy the stuffs from several smugglers, you should speak with Duncan several times too. Q: How do I assembly the wind-trap? A: Speak with your ecology troop. Select "Change Troop Occupation", choose "Assembly Wind-Trap". Q: How do I attack the enemy troop? A: Speak with the fremen and move your troop to the enemy sietch. Btw, your troop should be an army troop. Q: How do I make the spy to attack the sietch? A: Simply choose "Change Troop Occupation", select "Attack". Q: How do I send spy to the enemy sietch? A: Well, speak with the troop and choose "Give Orders to Troop", select "Change Troop Occupation" and lastly choose "Espionage". Btw, your troop should be an army troop and should be on the edge sietch. Q: What do you mean by the edge sietch? A: Edge sietch is your sietch which is close to Harkonnen area but there are less sietch nearby. In other words, if Harkonnen fortresses are hidden then it should be around your sietch in the Harkonnen area where there are less sietch nearby. Q: Where can I find atomic weapon? A: This weapon can only be obtained from Harkonnen fortresses near Harkonnen palace by winning the battle against them. From your spy information, it's is very likely in the sietch with the toughest Harkonnen troops. From my playing experience, it's usually on Arrakeen and Haga area. Q: How do I win the battle easily? A: 1. You should send the spy to know your enemy troop power. Please refer to "Some Useful Spy Informations" in Tips and Tricks section. 2. When your army troop surround the Harkonnen fortress please read your attacking troop information. Please refer to "Some Useful Battle Informations" in Tips & Tricks section. Q: I'm glad you wrote this FAQ for I was having trouble with the game. I wish to print out the guide to help me through the game when I get stuck. Since you asked that I ask permission first, that is what I am doing. A: Permission is granted as long as you don't use it for any profitable purposes. Q: I have taken control of 63% of the Dune. Is 100% possible? Have you found all the sietch? A: According to Kriner Eric <> the answer is no. There were small patches of blue in the Ergsyn region that were ultimately eliminated once the majority of forts in the north were sacked. Q: How many ranks are there for the fremen in Dune? A: Basically there are 6 ranks for fremen in Dune (worse on top): 1. On Trial. 2. Novice. 3. Average. 4. Efficient. 5. Skilled. 6. Expert. Q: Are there any known cheat in the game? A: You can hex cheat the game. Please goto Dune - Wiki4Games <http://> for more informations. (Thx to Dune - Wiki4Games for this information) Q: Are there any known glitches in the game? A: I've found two glitches at the time, i.e. you won't get Duke Leto died scenario and you won't get automated ending sequence. To skip the first scenario you should ignore your father request to come to the palace when he said "something terrible has happened in the palace". Wait until you get the Emperor's message which request you to send him the spice and view that message. By doing so, if you speak with your father, he won't angry and he won't plan to do a punnitive expedition so you will save Duke Leto eventhough the game itself actually think that Duke Leto has died. You will hear Jessica comment which said that Duke Leto has been killed by Harkonnen when you try to launch the final attack. To avoid automated ending sequence you should participate on the war when you launch the final attack and choose Massive Attack, Please scatter only 3-4 army troops (with Atomic weapon) in the sietch around the Harkonnen palace so you will have more time to enter the battle. After that you should wait about two days to see the Harkonnen palace transform into the sietch. (Thx to Dune - Wiki4Games for avoiding automated ending sequence information) Q: Can you tell me any important key points in the game which trigger the scenario? A: From my playing experience, here are some important key points : 1. When your mother ask you to go to the desert alone, if you do it then you will trigger the spice shipment scenario. 2. When Thufir ask you to bring Gurney to teach the fremen in Ergsun area, if you do it (by bringing him to teach the fremen in any area) then you will trigger your father punnitive expedition scenario. 3. When Chani asked you to visit the other sietch (when you first met her) then you will trigger your father died scenario. 4. When you launch the final attack and you get the vision about the Harkonnen is surrendered, if you go to the Harkonnen palace then you will trigger automated ending sequence. Q: Can I skip one of the scenarios? A: Yes, from my playing experience that you can skip #2 and #4. Q: How? Please tell me about it. A: OK, OK. Here are some rules before skipping the #2 scenario: 1. Remember, you should get Stilgar 1st. 2. Do not bring Gurney to teach the fremen in any area. After that then you can choose one of the three ways: 1. You spot the smuggler village in mouth fish then Harah will ask you to bring her back to Tuono Timin. 2. You spot the smuggler village (south from Tuono Tuek) then Harah will ask you to bring her back to Tuono Timin. 3. Please refer to "glitches found in the game". To skip #4 scenario please refer to "glitches found in the game". Q: What worth is it if I skip the scenario? A: Well, if you consider about beating the game easily (#2 and #3 scenario) or you want to play this game forever (#4 scenario) then you should do it. Q: In your "some unexplore sietch", you've mentioned some hidden sietch. I've tried to visit that sietch but I can't spot it. A: The direction that the fremen chief give you is relative. Sometimes it's not an exact direction. You should try to fly your ornithopter a little to the west or east if the given direction is north or south. You should try to fly your ornithopter a little to the north or south if the given direction is west or east. Q: I've tried your advise but still I can't spot the sietch. A: Well, some of the hidden sietch appear along the scenario. In other words, if you haven't triggered certain scenario then the sietch won't appear. Q: Hey, you're still missing Celymin Tuek location... A: I know and I still trying to figure out the way to locate it. But as far as I know that this sietch can only be activated by using hex cheat. Q: My army troop won't do any training anymore eventhough they haven't reached Expert level. Help! A: Try to switch their job to another job (such as specialize in spice) then swith them back to specialize in army. Don't forget to equip them with the weapon that they lost as they change their jobs. This trick also applies to other troop (i.e. spice and ecology troop). Q: Any chance you can help me with where I can purchase a copy? A: Sorry, I can't help. I bought this game from one of my friend long time ago (back in 1995). I know that it's quite hard to find an old game in the game store nowadays. However, I've just got an email from Luis Silva <> which told me about the CD version of the game (available from sold out and crucial budget labels). Hope it would help you a bit. Q; What has been added to the CD version? A: According to Luis Silva <>, the CD version adds voices (the acting is so-so), small parts of the movie in some parts of the Dune book, a much better looking traveling model and some changes in graphics. Q: I wonder if you have any information about <insert game name>. I cannot find any information about any walkthroughs. I am stucked now. If so, please could you email me a walkthrough for <insert game name>. A: I'm sorry I can't help. I won't write walkthrough for somebody request. I do it just for my pleasure. Also perhaps I don't have the game so how can I suppose to write the walkthrough for it. Q: Help! This <insert game name> won't run on my computer. A: You can try DOS Box ( to solve it. This proggy will run almost every DOS games. Изменено 3 сентября, 2013 пользователем Rosp Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Rosp Опубликовано 4 сентября, 2013 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 4 сентября, 2013 Можно, кстати, иметь 5 военных отрядов, если в каждом отряде более 2000 фрименов (всего будет около 11.000 военных людей в вашей армии). Они также хорошо всех сносят, как и 6 отрядов. Они без потерь берут форт у дворца, даже если у них мечи и лазерные пушки. Но обязательно нужно приехать на поле боя, чтобы поднять мотивацию! Я еще взял 1 ядерное оружие, перед тем как идти в зону дворца (взял форты Haga и сразу пошел освобождать Chani) ! Можно в начале войны освободить Chani, и мотивация у военных вырастет в 2, а то и в 3 раза ! Также взять Arrakeen-Tabr без потерь , и вооружить всех ядерным оружием. Ну а дальше совсем легко получается. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Rosp Опубликовано 11 сентября, 2013 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 11 сентября, 2013 (изменено) Поправочка насчет другой концовки. Для атаки дворца приготовьте 5 или 6 отрядов, но не больше ! Когда Стилгар спрашивает "Ты хочешь сейчас атаковать дворец ? ", нажимаем Accept . Фримены атакуют дворец Харконеннов. Сразу садимся в орнитоптер или на червя и едем во дворец. Приезжаем, нажимаем MASSIVE ATTACK , отходим в пустыню, 3 или 4 раза нажимаем "WAIT FOR ..." и дворец превращается в сиетч. Внутри будет лидер фрименов, который скажет вам " The Harkonnens all moved away when the saw this vegetation. What they wanted was spice, and with vegetation there can be no spice ". Изменено 11 сентября, 2013 пользователем Rosp Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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